Tablescape Thursday - "The First Blush of Love"

Hello and Welcome to Tablescape Thursday. This lovely blog party is hosted each week by Susan at (Between Naps on the Porch) so be sure to pay her a visit for a complete list of tablescapers. Today's table is called "The First Blush of Love" and it has been created to pay tribute to those first tender stirrings of one's heart when true love is suddenly realized. I'd like to dedicate this table to my friend, Kathleen Ellis who has inspired me this week with her lovely and romantic posts highlighting Valentine's Day vignettes. For more romantic living ideas please visit her here.
For us women, romance is all about feeling pampered. Beautiful surroundings evoke feelings of pleasure, love and fantasy. I believe that special occasions should be celebrated with nuances that stimulate all the senses - sight, sound, smell and taste. Sitting down to an elegant dinner is twice as nice when the presentation has been thoughtfully considered.
This table has been set for a special Valentine's dinner for two. Each element was added to heighten the romantic mood of the occasion.
The focal point of the centerpiece is this adorable garden cherub bust. This was on the clearance table at my local HomeGoods store. I am sure he is thinking about love.

I started with an ivory lace cloth, then layered on a quilted ivory placemat. I wanted to keep the color scheme to pink and ivory. My pinks range from a soft pastel pink to a deep saturated fuchsia. The dinner plate is ivory and the salad bowl is ivory with a pink band around the edge and gold trim. I found the salad bowls on clearance for $1 each! What a steal.

To add a little more romance, I used two ornate picture frames in antique silver and printed initials on pink card stock, then I cut them to fit the center of my frames. You could also use photos of your loved one or pictures of you and your significant other as a couple. I sat each frame next to a placesetting. For a large dinner party, use smaller frames, placing initials or names in each one to assign places at the table.

Of course you can't have a Sweetheart table without any hearts. This hot pink velvet heart box is the perfect place to tuck away a little Valentine's gift for later. ;-)

On the back of each chair, I attached a mini heart-shaped wreath.

A small votive candle holder shaped like a heart held a rose scented votive and was placed inside the shallow salad bowl.

Two small pots of pink Peonies (my Grandmother's favorite blooms) flank either side of the cherub centerpiece. Ivory napkins held by sterling silver rings cradle a silk rose in bright fuchsia.

Perhaps you will be spending Valentine's Day by yourself this year. You can still have a romantic dinner. Go ahead and treat yourself. Pull out that good china and crystal, make yourself a scrumptious 7-course dinner, light some candles, turn on some soft music and enjoy being alive! This antique wood and rattan tray has been set with the single diner in mind. A couple of birds perch on the corner of the tray to remind you that Spring is just around the corner and everything will be bursting forth with new life! That's cause to celebrate!

Meet Miss Daisy. This adorable plush bunny was a gift from my youngest son. She is just the perfect guest at my Sweetheart table - not overly talkative but pretty to look at. LOL!

The crocheted lace you see in this photo was handmade by my Mother-in-law, Ann who lives in FL. Through the years she has made me lovely doilies, placemats and tablerunners. These are cherished items - keepsakes that hopefully, one day but not anytime too soon, my own daughter-in-laws will cherish.

Well, I hope you have enjoyed "The First Blush of Love". I want to thank each one of you who left such lovely and encouraging comments on my tablescape last week. Your kind words let me know that you receive joy from looking at my table and that makes me very happy. I want to leave you with this thought:
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
So whatever gift that you have I pray that you will offer it freely to bless the lives of those around you and to beautify the garden in which you've been planted.
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Alisa

    Love your table! I always love to visit your site because I leave with inspiration!

    Thank you!


  2. I do love Miss Daisy sitting at your table.
    Your Valentine display is just perfect. I would LOVE to sit at your table.
    Love Claudie

    URL: I do not use my google acc

  3. wow! I didn't think you would be able to top last Thursday's Tiffany theme but YOU DID! your my new idol...thank you for the inspiration.

  4. Alisa, This is so beautiful and reminds me of our special Valentine's Parties we hosted. Good times!

  5. I love your centerpiece! The cherub is the perfect touch! The frames are gorgeous and unexpected!...Debbie

  6. Very soft and pretty. The face on your cherub is beautiful.

  7. Alisa,
    You really outdid yourself, everything is so pink and soft and romantic. All the special touches are so creative and the crocheted items are such a treasure. Thanks for sharing Cindy

  8. Beautiful table! Love the heart wreath idea on the chair backs and the picture frame place tags are a great idea!

  9. Beautiful, simply beautiful, Everything just flows!!!

  10. Alisa, this table is so pretty. Love that cherub, and all of the pretty pinks. laurie

  11. Great table -- love the cherub and I love to have garden things indoors!

  12. Your "First Blush of Love" tablescape is perfect, so romantic, elegant and fun all at the same time and the tray set up for dining alone is beautiful, Kathy.

  13. are such a sweetie! I'm so tickled that I've inspired you in some way! You've inspired me as a matter of fact, I've linked you in my TT that too funny, or what?! Hmmmm....
    Your table is just beautiful...I LOVE it! Your cherub is adorable and I love how you included a pretty tray setting for those who may be dining're so thoughtful!
    Thank you for inspiring me!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. What a wonderfully creative valentine setting. Love the dishes!

  15. I love your table. The frames with the initials is a great touch! Very pretty.

  16. For me that hot pink velvet heart just pulled it all together. Lots of creative juices within to your fabulous table - great job.

  17. Alisa - Lovely and romantic table. Your cherub is perfect as the centerpiece and the beautiful pink florals and lace pull everything together. Your dishes are beautiful too! Happy Valentines Day!

  18. I loved your romantic tablescape...lots of ideas there! I especially loved the "Dinner for One" vignette...that is absolutely precious and thank you for featuring that!

  19. Gorgeous table! Full of so many wonderful details!! I love the little birds tucked near the centerpiece and the pink bowls are beautiful! :D Jewel

  20. Love it all....but the peonies - WOW! Hand crochet by a family member is always a wonderful heirloom! Linda

  21. Beautiful table! What a sweet table for a sweetheart!

  22. Beautiful table. So soft and warm. Very inviting, your tables are always a work of art and love. Thanks for sharing, Maryrose

  23. What awesome thinking.I love this.And your garden angel is perfection.I also love the pretty pink plates.Well done,well done...ann

  24. I love the table, and I am loving the idea of naming the tablescape!

  25. Wow, this is gorgeous ! I love the heart wreath on the back of the chair. Great idea ! And I'm envious if those peonies are real ! Our ground is still frozen.


  26. I adored the First Blush of Love table!

    Your ability to mix whimsy in & still keep it utterly elegant is sooo charming! Love, love, love, love this table!

  27. This is my first look at your blog, as it was my first Tablescape Thursday. Your table is gorgeous and imaginative, and the whole blog is totally eye candy!

  28. Alisa, What a romantic table! Very pretty, and very reminiscent of those vintage cards you mentioned. Lovely job! P.S. I've seen those pink plates as well and debated buying them. They look pretty on your table.


  29. So romantic and it's just perfect for this 14th holiday. I don't think you left one thing out about feeling, love and the mood. So lovely.

  30. Lovely table, and that bunny rabbit just makes me smile! Wonderful!!!


  31. You always have such fabulous tablescapes. I am in awe! Everything looked so romantic. I loved it all!

  32. When I saw you had a tablescape I just had to pop by. It's BEAUTIFUL...I love all your touches and the fresh flowers are gorgeous! GREAT JOB!

  33. Your tablescape for two is just stunning. I love the use of the garden cherub and the picture frames with the initials. How thoughtful to also do a tablescape for one. I agree it is important to pamper yourself. Thanks so much for sharing, I always look sooo forward to your blog. Hugs, Marty

  34. Lovely fresh table! Love the flowers and that angel. Darling idea with the picture frames.
    Linda Q

  35. So pretty and romantic. I love all the unexpected accessories you added to the table. I always enjoy coming here and seeing your creativity...

  36. Alisa, I loved your First Blush of Love tablescape today! How gorgeous and romantic everything was! ;) ~CC Catherine

  37. I love it! The rose heart for the chairs are my favorate.

  38. Hi Alisa, Your table is gorgeous! You always have such beautiful tablescapes!

    I looked at your flowers from last year and they were really pretty. I love the reds, purples and yellows together, or pinks, lavenders and yellows. I just love all colors, it's so hard to pick! I will probably do red, purple and yellow this year, but that could change.

    I am ready for spring too. Especially after being in Maui and seeing all the flowers. I hope you have a romantic Valentine's day! Kristen

  39. You set a very pretty table! Have come to enjoy my visits here.

    You are very creative and I enjoy your ideas.

    Your landscaping is lovely and any color you pick will surely look good.

  40. Hi Alisa, :)
    Every week you just amaze me with your creativity and beautiful tables.
    I don't know if I could ever pick a favorite but this one is right up there.
    LOVE the frames!

    Happy Valentines Day! :)

  41. Beautiful Valentine table Alisa!

  42. Pretty table! Looks like you are ready for the next holiday with that cute bunny!

  43. What a beautiful blog! I can't wait to come back for another visit soon.

  44. Your last sentence or 2 says it best. Love the pink dishes, heart candle holders, birds & cherub!
